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  • Writer's pictureC.A.T

Rich Chicken Alfredo Pizza

New favourite pizza alert! Definitely buy a base for this, the sauce would drown a raw dough and I don't think you'd get any crisp. Any base will do although I used a pinsa base as I prefer the bubbly dough. They have really long dates on so you can buy a few and keep them in. Recipe for that coming soon if you want to make your own.

I also used pre cooked chargrilled chicken so this recipe is super quick. the longest part is reducing down the cream to the right thickness. I got impatient, took it off too early and had spillages. Follow the recipe!

I let Alix add jalepenos but that is not on the recipe.


  • 1 prebaked 12-inch thin pizza crust

  • 2.5 tsp butter

  • 1 garlic clove, minced

  • 1.5 cups double cream

  • 3 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1/4 tsp pepper

  • 1 tbsp minced fresh parsley

  • 1 cup cubed cooked chicken

  • 1 cup thinly sliced mushrooms

  • 1 cup fresh baby spinach

  • 2 cups grated mozzarella cheese


  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan over a medium heat.

  2. Add garlic and cook for 1 minute.

  3. Add cream and cook until liquid is reduced by half, 15-20 mins.

  4. Add the parmesan, salt and pepper and stir until thickened.

  5. Remove from the heat, stir in parsley and cool slightly.

  6. Place crust on a baking sheet or pizza stone and spread with cream mixture.

  7. Top with chicken, mushrooms, spinach and mozzarella cheese.

  8. Bake at 200°C until cheese is melted and crust is golden brown (time depends on your base instructions).

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