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  • Writer's pictureC.A.T

Roasted Butterflied Tiger Prawns in Garlic Butter

A fairly simple starter or makes a nice main course when served with with bread/garlic bread.


  • Raw, shell-on large tiger prawns (number dependent on people and course)

  • 4 cloves garlic, minced

  • 75g butter, softened

  • 1 heaped tablespoon chopped parsley

  • Grated zest and juice of 1 lemon


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 230°C/gas mark 8.

  2. Butterfly the prawns, trying not to be sick. Pull off the heads and legs with your fingers, then peel away the shells, but leave the tails still attached. Turn each prawn on its back and, with the point of a sharp knife, make a cut down the centre of each prawn, but do not cut through. Ease open with your thumb and remove the brownish-black thread, scraping it away with the point of the knife – it should also come away easily. Rinse the prawns and pat them dry with kitchen paper.

  3. Place the prawns in buttered gratin dishes or on a baking tray.

  4. Combine the rest of the ingredients together in a small bowl. You may need to melt the butter a bit (20 secs on a microwave).

  5. Spread equal quantities of the garlic butter over the prawns.

  6. Place the dish on the highest shelf of the oven and let them cook for 6-7 minutes (they will need only 5 minutes if you've used a baking tray).

  7. Serve sprinkled with the parsley and garnish with the lemon quarters.

To be extra fancy for dinner parties cook each portion in it's own dish and serve in that. Delia's included below to show how it should look :)

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